Local SEO

Don’t let inaccurate info squander leads

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Don’t let inaccurate info squander leads


Local SEO

Don’t let inaccurate info squander leads

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Our shifting attention to core data providers.

In 2005, local search engine optimization meant long tail keyword phrases that included keywords to specify cities and states.

In 2014, local search assumes that search engines know where the searcher is, and delivers the most useful, regionally active results available.

So, what do we do to be the most useful, regionally active results available?

We start by making sure our business information is up-to-date and consistent. Sounds boring, and if not boring certainly painstaking. And it is, but it truly is at the core of how local search engine optimization needs to be done.

While many SEO trends look destined for the dustbin in hindsight, NAP consistency makes a great deal of sense, so we’re investing in it.

NAP is the acronym for Name, Address, Phone number; NAP consistency means that as search engines scour the interwebs they record mentions of names, addresses and phone numbers and you want them to see that your business information is consistent.

Easy for a new business with only one address.

Businesses that have moved even once will have “clean up” to do.

Our company has had 3 addresses, and we are applying this to ourselves.

If someone told you your business info was prominent but wrong, would you waste any time getting it fixed? And if it prevented your business from outshining local competitors, what then?

What’s involved? Like most local SEO work it involves creating and managing accounts on multiple platforms. We’re good at that sort of things! Then it’s just time and focus.

What are the 4 accounts you need?

  1. Axciom
  2. Localeze
  3. Infogroup
  4. Factual

Time: 2-3 hours

Verification: 3-4 phone calls and email verifications


Ryan Turner


Ryan is co-owner of 3PRIME, LLC and lives in New Haven, CT with his Wife Amy and 3 children.

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